
Travel in Koh Chang

Koh Chang is surrounded by Koh Khlum, Kohh Laoya, Koh Ngam, Koh Mai Si Yai, Koh Wai, Koh Kra, Koh Rung, Koh Mun Nok, Koh Mun Nai, Koh Kradat, Koh Mak, Koh Kham and more than 52 other large and small islands. Koh Chang covers lush forests, high hills, cliffs, waterfalls and sources of water. The is..

Ban Nam Chiao

Ban Nam Chiao : At a very close distance from the municipality, you can easily get on the Trat-Laem Ngop Route to visit this village known for the handcraft hat ‘Ngop Nam Chieo’ used for the sun and rain protection...

History of Trat

Trat is Thailand’s eastern-most province, located about 315 kilometers from Bangkok. This small province borders Cambodia with the Khao Banthat mountain range forming a natural boundary between the two countries. With 52 large and small islands featuring long, white, sandy beaches and unspoiled cora..

Ban Hat Lek

Ban Hat Lek : Located on the Highway No. 318 (Trat-Khlong Yai) under the Khlong Yai District, Ban Hat Lek is the furthest east village of the province
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